Flexible Wissenspraktiken und der digitale Arbeitsplatz (EN) (FKPDW)


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Today’s workplaces are becoming increasingly flexible. Employees perform less standardized tasks, more autonomous, remote and networked. However, in order to be able to work in that flexible mode, employees need relevant knowledge closely attached to their workplace. There is a growing number of tools to support flexible knowledge practices. However, it is unclear how those tools should be designed taking the different knowledge practices and their context into account. This covers the devices used (e.g. smartphones), the kind of knowledge provided and the way employees access relevant knowledge. Moreover, it is important to shed light on the question how employees should be connected and empowered with digital knowledge support solutions.


Arbeitsziele des Workshops sind die Herausforderungen im Themengebiet zu erörtern und auf Basis von bisherigen Forschungsergebnissen eine Agenda für ein verhaltensorientiertes Design von Wissensmanagementslösungen am Arbeitsplatz zu entwickeln.